Source code documentation

The whole jpkfile project/package consists of only one relevant file for normal use: It is composed of three classes: JPKFile, JPKSegment, and JPKMap. The user’s interface is mostly covered by the JPKFile class, which is used for regular force and tweezer recordings. For force maps, you need to use the JPKMap class. JPKSegment is usually created and populated internally from within the other two classes.


class jpkfile.JPKFile(fname)[source]

Class to unzip a JPK archive and handle access to its headers and data.

Parameters:fname (str) – Filename of archive to read data from.
get_array(channels=[], decode=True)[source]

Returns channel data from all segments in a numpy array; in addition, reads physical units as specified by header files.

  • channels – List of channels (channel names, i.e. strings) of which to return data.
  • decode (bool) – Determines whether data is to be decoded, i.e. transformed according to transformation parameters defined in header files.

Tuple with two items: (1) Numpy array with labeled columns, one column per requested channel; (2) dictionary assigning units to channels.


Request a string on a certain issue. Currently only one issue keyword is possible: ‘segments’. This returns a summary/overview on segment properties.

Parameters:issue (str) – Keyword/issue on which to request information.
Returns:String on requested issue.

Crawls through list of files in archive and processes them automatically by name and extension. It populates parameters and segments with content. For different file types present in JPK archives, have a look at the structure of JPK archives.

has_shared_header = None

Will be set to True if archive has a shared header, False otherwise

num_segments = None

Number of segments in archive.

parameters = None

Dictionary containing parameters read from the top level file.

segments = None

Dictionary containing one JPKSegment instance per segment.

shared_parameters = None

None if no shared header is present, dictionary containing parameters otherwise.


class jpkfile.JPKSegment(parent_has_shared_header=False, shared_properties=None)[source]

Class to hold data and parameters of a single segment in a JPK archive. It is usually created internally when handling a JPK archive with the JPKFile class.

  • parent_has_shared_header (bool) – True, if JPKFile finds shared header in JPK archive, False otherwise.
  • shared_properties – If parent_has_shared_header is True, this parameter needs to hold the dictionary containing the header’s contents. Otherwise it is None.
get_array(channels=[], decode=True)[source]

Constructs a numpy array containing data of given channels. If decode is True (default), data is converted following conversions defined in segment’s header (or shared header).

  • channels – List of channels (channel names, i.e. strings) of which to return data.
  • decode (bool) – Determines whether data is to be decoded, i.e. transformed according to transformation parameters defined in header files.

Tuple with two items: (1) Numpy array with labeled columns, one column per requested channel; (2) dictionary assigning units to channels.

get_decoded_data(channel, conversions_to_be_applied='auto')[source]

Get decoded data of one channel. ‘decoded’ here means the raw, digital data gets converted (to physical data) following certain conversion steps. These steps should be defined in the JPK archive’s header files. This routine tries to read those conversion steps from those header files by default (conversions_to_be_applied=’auto’). Alternatively, you can pass a list of conversion keywords as conversions_to_be_applied manually (see documentation on JPK archive structures for an overview of what I think how conversion rules are stored in the header files …).

  • channel (str) – Name of channel to convert data of.
  • conversions_to_be_applied – Specifying what conversions to apply, see description above.

Tuple with 2 items; (1) Single-column numpy array containing converted data; (2) Unit as read for last conversion step from header file.


Request information (string) on some issue. This is basically just a more user-friendly assignment of parameters of interest to single keywords. For the issue parameter the following strings are valid:

  • ‘general’ (default)
  • ‘channels’
  • ‘num-points’
  • ‘duration’
  • ‘type’
Parameters:issue (str) – Keyword specifying what kind of information is asked for.
Returns:String or list of strings containing requested information.

Returns time-stamps, increased by possible offset.

data = None

Dictionary assigning numpy arrays containing data and definitions on how to convert raw data to physical data to all channels present in this segment.

parameters = None

Dictionary holding parameters read from segment header.


class jpkfile.JPKMap(fname)[source]

Loads a JPK map file (ending on ‘.jpk-force-map’) to the buffer. This map consists of multiple ‘pixels’, each of which is a single force recording at one position. This makes maps a collection of recordings. To get the single pixels to work in a similar way as the JPKFile objects and to make the whole module more modular (!?) , I created a class based on JPKFile called _JPKFileForJPKMap, which requires a _VirtualZipFile object instead of the path to a zip file. This makes the whole concept a bit harder to follow, but it makes the pixels behave as JPKFile objects. This class is not yet outfitted with many helpful functions to retrieve or analyse data of the map. The problem is, I don’t really know what is useful and what isn’t, since I never worked with maps. If you want a feature added, feel free to send me a message or open an issue on github or implement it yourself and send a pull request.

Parameters:fname (str) – Path to force map (zip archive, usually ending on ‘.jpk-force-map’).

Returns JPKFile instance of a single pixel.

Parameters:index – Integer for flat indices or tuple/list of two integers for grid coordinates pointing to desired pixel.

Crawls through list of files in archive and processes them automatically by name and extension. It populates parameters and flat_indices with content. For different file types present in JPK archives, have a look at the structure of JPK archives.

flat_indices = None

Dictionary containing JPKFile instances, one per pixel, indexed with flat indices.

parameters = None

Dictionary holding parameters stored in top level header file.

Helper functions, attributes and classes

jpkfile.extract_data(content, dtype, num_points)[source]

Converts data from contents of .dat files in the JPKArchive to python-understandable formats. This function requires the binary content, the dtype of the binary content as read from the appropiate header file, and the number of points as specified in the header file to double check the conversion.

  • content (str) – Binary content of a .dat file.
  • dtype (str) – Data type as read from heade file.
  • num_points (int) – Expected number of points encoded in binary content.

Numpy array containing digital (non-physical, unconverted) data.


Takes all parameters on how to convert some channel’s data read from a header file to determine the chain of conversion steps automatically.

Parameters:conversion_set_dictionary (dict) – Dictionary of ‘conversion-set’ parameters as parsed from header file with function parse_header_file.
Returns:List of conversion keywords.
class jpkfile.jpkfile._VirtualZipFile(parent_zip, excerpt_list_of_filenames, prefix)[source]

THIS CLASS SHOULD NEVER BE USED DIRECTLY. IT IS USED INDIRECTLY VIA JPKMap. Virtual ZipFile class, to make the functionality of the real ZipFile class available for a subfolder of real zip archives. I implemented this to be able to use the familiar JPKFile class for each pixel of a force map. This way, only few things have to be adjusted in JPKFileForJPKMap, which inherits JPKFile, to make every pixel available as a JPKFile instance.

  • parent_zip (ZipFile) – ZipFile instance holding the subfolder that is to be governed by this _VirtualZipFile.
  • excerpt_list_of_filenames – List of filenames (strings) containing only files of the subfolder; path has to be relative as if looking from within the subfolder.
  • prefix (str) – Path prefix, i.e., path to the subfoler. This is used to construct the complete path to each file for the real ZipFile instance.
list_of_filenames = None

List of filenames (strings) containing only files of the subfolder; Paths have to be relative as if looking from within the subfolder. For example, if your complete zip archive (see files in parent_zip) has a folder called ‘A’, and it contains a file named ‘bla.txt’, its path will be ‘A/bla.txt’ in the real ZipFile. In a _VirtualZipFile supposed to govern the contents of folder ‘A’, the path has to be only ‘bla.txt’, however.

parent_zip = None

(Pointer to) Real ZipFile instance, containing this _VirtualZipFile’s folder.

prefix = None

Prefix to the folder governed by this _VirtualZipFile. Referring to the example above, this needs to be ‘A/’. It will be used to pass the complete path to the parent_zip.

class jpkfile.jpkfile._JPKFileForJPKMap(virtual_zip, has_shared_header, shared_parameters)[source]

THIS CLASS SHOULD NEVER BE USED DIRECTLY. IT IS USED INDIRECTLY VIA JPKMap. This class is derived from JPKFile; its purpose is to make the JPKFile class, which is designed to provide a user interface to data of a single measurement or recording, available for use with JPKMap (force maps) which is a collection of multiple recordings.

  • virtual_zip – (Pointer to) _VirtualZipFile for the subdirectory.
  • has_shared_headerTrue if parent JPKMap has a shared header, False otherwise.
  • shared_parametersNone if no shared header present, a dictionary containing parameters read from shared header otherwise.